Sunday, April 7, 2019

A Brief History of Cleantech Investing

Monmouth University graduate Joe Hede spent more than 24 years working for top investment banks in the United States before becoming a venture capitalist. A partner at Rocket Strategies, Inc., Joe Hede invests in clean technology. 

Cleantech is an investment philosophy that focuses on companies that seek profit from developing efficient and environmentally-friendly technologies. When the term was first coined in the early 2000s, it encompassed companies in the solar, wind, water purification, and biofuel spaces. 

Today, cleantech has expanded to include data-driven companies that seek improvements in operational performance and productivity while reducing material inputs, energy consumption, and pollution. These companies span various industry verticals including energy infrastructure, efficient transportation, water and wastewater, agriculture, and recycling. Though the philosophy sounds similar to green business, cleantech is different in that the former prioritizes sustainability while the latter seeks profitability through efficient operations. 

Cleantech investing was first popularized by Nick Parker and Keith Raab, who cofounded Cleantech Venture Network in 2002. Many investors turned to the emerging sector following the collapse of the tech bubble in 2001.

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